
Leadership Lessons from Luke 5.6-11

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It’s been stated on more than one occasion that, people follow vision. We see this principle in action here is this moment. Men follow the lead of Jesus by putting their nets out in the deep water. This after a full day of fishing. They were tired, hungry and perhaps a bit frustrated.

In the midst of this, Jesus urges them to go back out for a catch. Once the men follow his lead they see the power and potential of this man. People are looking for leadership. People want to follow people who are leaders. But it goes much further than this one fact.

Of course knowing the end of the story is one advantage we have that the disciples did not. Peter and the others have no idea where this will carry them. Jesus knows. He is setting them up to become leaders. Shouldn’t this be the aim of each leader? To birth more leaders, capable of making more.

The men are simply happy to be following a leader. Little did they know that they will one day become leaders of the Church and the initial leaders of Christianity. Jesus takes a few men who were simple fishermen and turns them into world changers! That’s leadership!

Yet it doesn’t seem to be that the men would be leaders that draws them into following Jesus. It is something about Jesus that draws them. It is more than Jesus simply knowing how to fish. Regular fishermen would be happy to ask Jesus where the next catch would be and fish in that place next time. After all he had already led them to a great fishing spot once. Certainly he can do it again and again.

They see something in Jesus that compels them to leave their nets and lifestyle to follow.

What do you see in Jesus that urges you to follow?

What have you laid down in order to follow?

How is Jesus shaping your leadership? Where do you see him leading you?